Studying and learning with ChatGPT
Estudo-aprendizagem, Inteligência artificial generativa, Usos inventivos, Pensamento crítico, Ensino Superior, Estudo-aprendizagem. Inteligência artificial generativa. Usos inventivos. Pensamento crítico. Ensino superior.Abstract
In this article, we aim to produce meanings about the uses students make of ChatGPT in their formative processes. We wanted to understand whether they are copying and pasting from it, surrendering their minds and voices to this AI as feared by many teachers, or if they are using it for other purposes. We have done-conceived this research based on studies of cyberculture, subjectivity, epistemologies of practices, and research-with experience. As a result, we recognize that they are using ChatGPT not merely for copying and pasting but rather critically employing it for different purposes and assigning it different roles. We identified the emergence of new ways of studying and teaching with didactic situations that involve the participation of ChatGPT and other AIs. The increasingly widespread and routine use of ChatGPT has led us to speculate on the emergence of a new cognitive profile, that of the generative reader, the one who reads the works they co-author with AI.
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