Characteristics of school bullying: Scoping review
School bullying, characteristics, habitus.Abstract
Introduction: Bullying is a form of violence that occurs in social relationships within the school field. In Brazil, studies on school bullying began to receive greater attention in the 2000s.Objective: Carry out a survey of the main characteristics of school bullying behavior studies in Brazil and abroad, through the Scoping Review. Methodology: Based on scoping review from Arksey & O'Malley (2005). Results: The results of this review were found in 20 studies distributed among four continents: America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The characteristics of school bullying are physical-body, behavioral, gender, ethnic/racial and sociocultural.Conclusion: The characteristics of school bullying present in the research are a habitus due to the way students act, perceive and incorporate them within the school field.
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