Aplicação do Ensino Baseado em Problemas em Escolas de Administração
metodologia de ensino, aprendizagem baseada em problemas, método tradicional, habilidades gerenciais, administraçãoAbstract
The purpose of this article was to discuss new pedagogical methodologies that have the potential to produce management skills in management schools, beyond the traditional method. As part of this study, we explored the concept, characteristics, and use of Problem-Based Learning teaching methodologies in higher education, specifically in management schools, using a bibliographic method. Moreover, we used a narrative research method, which included an interview with a Brazilian Professor who has been involved in implementing PBL teaching. Our study demonstrates a practical application of PBL at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas Management School. It was shown that different methods reflect different multidimensional learning processes, whether intentional or not. In a society of constant change, everything we share cognitively or emotionally becomes more complicated as we develop in a society where many values taught and learned do not correspond to the real world. For instance, we reaffirm that the traditional education method remains a very significant part of higher education. This is evidenced by the number of certifications as well as the amount of investment put into it over time.
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