Shouts from the deaf community – social identity in question
Deaf culture, Deaf identity, Theory of argumentation, Rhetoric, Social PsychologyAbstract
The article examines the discourses of deaf authors and hearing authors identified with the deaf community who seek to define the characteristics that forge the deaf identity and universe. The deaf identity has historically been constituted on the basis of pathologization, conditioning the deaf to be recognized as unable to perform activities common to listeners, because they do not communicate orally. For this, we present the rhetoric as a method of discourse analysis, based on the authors Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca who formulated the Theory of Argumentation in the New Rhetoric movement. The examination of argumentative schemas exposes what is admitted or not by groups. As far as identity constitution is concerned, the reasoning is largely based on relations of coexistence. In short, the rhetorical analysis allows us to state that, regardless of integrating a linguistic minority, the deaf discourses present the diversity of the deaf community.
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