O que uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura revelou sobre a formação inicial de professores no laboratório TeachLivE™ de realidade mista?
Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura que se propôs a revelar pesquisas e práticas que utilizaram tecnologias digitais de realidade mista para simular em ambientes virtuais vivências da prática docente com o objetivo de possibilitar a construção de conhecimentos sobre o ensino a partir da ampliação da oferta de possibilidades, em cursos de licenciatura, de interação dos futuros professores com situações que fazem parte do cotidiano da profissão. Como resultado, compartilhamos os procedimentos adotados na revisão e apresentamos uma discussão sobre como a utilização de ambientes virtuais de simulação de uma sala de aula podem apoiar as atividades de estágio curricular de cursos de formação de inicial de professores.
ALVES-MAZZOTTI, Alda J.; GEWANDSZNAJDER, Fernando. O método nas ciências naturais e sociais: pesquisa quantitativa e qualitative. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1998.
BRINER, Rob B.; DENYER, David. Systematic review and evidence synthesis as a practice and scholarship tool. In: ROUSSEAU, D. M. (Ed.). Handbook of evidence-based management: companies, classrooms, and research. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 328-374.
KIRNER, Claudio; TORI, Romero. Fundamentos de Realidade Aumentada. In: KIRNER, Claudio; TORI, Romero.; SISCOUTO, Robson. Fundamentos e Tecnologia de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada (Ed.). Belém: SBC, 2006, p. 22-38.
MILGRAM, Paul; KISHINO, Fumio. A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 77 (12), 1994.
MORAES, Roque. GALIAZZI, Maria do Carmo. Análise Textual Discursiva: 2. Ed. Ijuí: Ed. Unijuí, 2011.
PICONEZ, Stela Conceição Bertholo (org.). A prática de ensino e o estágio supervisionado: 7. Ed. Campinas: Papirus, 2001.
PIMENTA, Selma Garrido. O estágio na formação de professores: unidade teoria e prática?: 11. Ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2012.
PIMENTA, Selma Garrido; LIMA, Maria Socorro Lucena. Estágio e docência: diferentes concepções. Revista Poíesis, v. 3, n. 3 e 4, p. 5-24, 2005.
PIMENTA, Selma Garrido; LIMA, Maria Socorro Lucena. Estágio e docência: 7. Ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2012.
RAMOS, Altina; FARIA, Paulo M.; FARIA, Ádila. Revisão sistemática de literatura: contributo para a inovação na investigação em Ciências da Educação. Revista Diálogo Educacional, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 41, p. 17–36, 2014.
SHULMAN, Lee S. Conhecimento e ensino: fundamentos para a nova reforma. Cadernos Cenpec | Nova série, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, Dez. 2014.
TLE TeachLive. Disponível em: <http://teachlive.org>.
VIEIRA PINTO, Álvaro. O conceito de Tecnologia. V.2. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2005.
Textos analisados na RSL:
AGUILAR, Jair J.; TELESE, James. A. TeachLivE as an Instructional Technological Tool: The Perceptions and Beliefs of Pre-Service Elementary Mathematics Teachers. In: 7TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2019, Florida, Proceedings of 7th Annual TeachLivE conference: Digital Approximations of Practice. Florida, 2019, p. 44-53.
BAUTISTA, Nazan Uludag; BOONE, William J. Exploring the Impact of TeachMETM Lab Virtual Classroom Teaching Simulation on Early Childhood Education Majors’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Journal of Science Teacher Education, v. 26, n. 3, p. 237–262, 2015.
BLACK, Jillian; NOLTEMEYER, Amity L.; DAVIS, Darrel R., SCHWARTZ, Tammy. Pre-Service Teachers’ Responses to Student Behavior in a Mixed- Reality Environment. SAGE Open, v. 6, p. 1-10. 2016.
BUCKRIDGE, Hilary; TAYLOR, Rosemary. M. Ed. in Educational Leadership Practice & Coaching In: SECOND NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2014, Florida, Proceedings from the 2nd Annual TLE TeachLive Conference: Ludic Convergence. Florida, 2014, p. 16-18.
CHANG, Chih-Wei; WANG, Chin-Yeh; CHEN, GWO-Dong, LEE, Jih-Hsien. Improving the authentic learning experience by integrating robots into the mixed-reality environment. Computers & Education. n.55, p. 1572–1578, 2010.
CHO, Vincent; MANSFIELD, Katherine C.; CLAUGHTON, June. The past and future technology in classroom management and school discipline: A systematic review. Teaching and Teacher Education, v. 90, p. 1-11, 2020.
DALINGER, Tara; THOMAS, Katherine B.; STANSBERRY, Susan; XIU, Ying. A mixed reality simulation offers strategic practice for preservice teachers. Computers and Education, v. 144, p. 103–696, 2020.
DAWSON, Melanie Rees. From TeachLivE to the Classroom: Building Preservice Special Educators` Proficiency with Essential Teaching Skills. Benjamin Lignugaris Kraft. Fls.241. These, Doctor of Philosophy, Utah State University, Utah, 2016.
EISENREICH, Heidi; HARSHMAN, Katie. The Influence of TeachLivE on Anxiety Levels in Preservice and Immersive Mathematics Teachers. In: SECOND NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2014, Florida, Proceedings from the 2nd Annual TLE TeachLive Conference: Ludic Convergence. Florida, 2014, p. 19-20.
ELFORD, Martha D.; JAMES, Susanne M.; HAYNES-SMITH, Heather S. Literacy Instruction for Pre-service Educators in Virtual Learning Environments. In: 1st NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2013, Florida, Proceedings of 1st National TLE TeachLivE TM Conference. Florida, 2013, p. 16-19.
GRENFELL, Janette. Immersive Interfaces for Art Education Teaching and Learning in Virtual and Real World Learning Environments. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013. 93, p. 1198–1211.
GRISSOM, Donita; REGALLA, Michele. A Study on Teacher Candidates’ Questioning Strategies for English Learners through a TeachLivETM Experience. In: 7TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2019, Florida, Proceedings of 7th Annual TeachLivE conference: Digital Approximations of Practice. Florida, 2019, p. 23-43.
FLOYD, Kim; ARONIN, Sara; HARTLEY, Melissa; LUDLOW, Barbara L; DEVITO Holly; SMITH, Crystal. Acquisition, Refinement, and Maintenance of Skills by Preservice Teachers in TLE TeachLivETM at WVU. In: 1st NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2013, Florida, Proceedings of 1st National TLE TeachLivE TM Conference. Florida, 2013, p. 20-23.
FORSYTHE, Lenora; KAY, Marni. Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Early Literacy Instruction with TeachLivE. In: 6TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2018, Florida, Proceedings 6th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2018, p. 56-63.
HARDIN, Stacey; FREMAN-GREEN, Shaqwana. Infusing Culturally Responsive Strategies in STEM Instruction for Special Education Teachers. In: 3rd NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2015, Florida Proceedings of 3rd National Conference TeachLivE: Dissecting Education, Florida, 2015, p. 19–22.
HU, Bi Ying; DIEKER, Lisa Ann; YANG, Ning. The quality of classroom experiences in Chinese kindergarten classrooms across settings and learning activities: Implications for teacher preparation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 57, p. 39–50, 2016.
HUDSON, Melissa E.; VOYTECKI, Karen S., OWENS, Tosha L.; ZHANG, Guili. Preservice Teacher Experiences Implementing Classroom Management Practices Through Mixed-Reality Simulations. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 38(2), p. 79–94, 2019.
KRACH, Kathleen, HANLINE, Mary F. Teaching consultation skills using interdepartmental collaboration and supervision with a mixed-reality simulator. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 28(2), p. 190–218, 2018.
FENGFENG, Ke, SUNGWOOONG, Lee, XINHAO, Xu. Teaching training in a mixed-reality integrated learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, p. 212–220, 2016.
KOCH, Aaron; VASQUEZ, Eleazar; MARINO, Mathew; STRAUB, Carrie; SCHAFFER, Kelly; DONEHOWER, Claire. Trial-Based Functional Analysis in Virtual Environments for Teacher Preparation. In: SECOND NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2014, Florida, Proceedings from the 2nd Annual TLE TeachLive Conference: Ludic Convergence. Florida, 2014, p. 27-29.
LARSON, Kristine E.; HIRSCH, Shanna E.; MCGRAW, Jillian P.; BRADSHAW, Bradshaw, Catherine P. Preparing Preservice Teachers to Manage Behavior Problems in the Classroom: The Feasibility and Acceptability of Using a Mixed-Reality Simulator. Journal of Special Education Technology, 35, p. 63–75, 2020.
LEAHY, Sean M., HOLLAND, Charlotte; WARD, Francis. The digital frontier: Envisioning future technologies impact on the classroom. Futures, v.113, 2019.
LEDGER, Susan; FISCHETTI, John. “Micro-Teaching 2.0: Technology as the Classroom”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36 (1), Jan. 2020, p. 37-54, 2020.
LIU, Wei, CHEOK, Adrian David, MEI-LING, Charissa Lim. Theng, Yin-Leng. Mixed Reality Classroom - Learning from Entertainment. In: 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL INTERACTIVE MEDIA IN ENTERTAINMENT AND ARTS. 2007, Australia, Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Digital interactive media in entertainment and arts. Australia, 2007, p. 65-72.
LOPEZ, Angel L. Jr. Examining Potential Teacher Bias of Hispanic Males With Emotional Disturbances In Virtual Settings. Lisa Dieker. 206. These, Doctor of Philosophy, College of Education, University of Central Florida, Florida, 2012.
MATEU, Juan; LASALA, María J.; ALAMÁN, Xavier. VirtualTouch: A Tool for Developing Mixed Reality Educational Applications and an Example of Use for Inclusive Education. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, v. 30, n. 10, p. 815–828, 2014.
MYERS, Diane; STARRET, Teresa; STEWART, Mary A.; HANSES-THOMAS, Holly. Using Virtual Reality Technology to Enhance Instruction in Teacher Education Programs. In: 4 ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2016, Florida, Proceedings of Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2016, p. 51-55.
NELLIGAN, Annette F. Applications of TeachLive in Counselor Training. In: 5TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2017, Florida, Proceedings of 5th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2017, p. 28-33.
ORTIZ, Enrique. Use of Mixed Reality Simulation to Assess Diagnostic Competence Self-efficacy. In: 6TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2018, Florida, Proceedings of 6th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance (VHIP). Florida, 2018, p. 64–73.
PIRO, Jody S.; O’CALLAGHAN, Catherine. Liminal Learning with Avatars: Journeying Toward the Profession with Educational Leadership Candidates. In: 5TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2017, Florida, Proceedings of 5th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2017, p. 50-59.
REGALLA, Michele; NUTTA, Joyce A.; HUTCHINSON, Cynthia; ASTARI, Nooshan. English Language Learner (ELL) Avatars for Pre-Service Teachers. In: 3rd NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2015, Florida Proceedings of 3rd National Conference TeachlivE: Dissecting Education, Florida, 2015, p. 23-26.
REGALLA, Michele; NUTTA, Joyce A.; HUTCHINSON, Cynthia; JONES, Pam; ASHTARI, Nooshan; VERKLER, Karen. English Learner (EL) Avatars for Pre-Service Teachers. In: SECOND NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2014, Florida, Proceedings from the 2nd Annual TLE TeachLive Conference: Ludic Convergence. Florida, 2014, p. 30-33.
REINKING, Anni. Reactions and Insights from First Time Users. In: 5TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2017, Florida, Proceedings of 5th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2017, p. 23–27.
REINKING, Anni. Improving Early Childhood Teacher Classroom Instruction Using the Early Childhood TeachLivE Scenario/Avatars. In: 6TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2018, Florida, Proceedings of 6th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance (VHIP). Florida, 2018, p. 24-33.
REINKING, Anni.; MARTIN, Barbara. Training Teachers in Virtual Environments.
In: 6TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2018, Florida, Proceedings of 6th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance (VHIP). Florida, 2018, p. 15-23.
RODRIGUEZ, Jacqueline. Comparison of Feedback Methods for Pre-Service Teachers Delivering Mathematics Lessons in the TeachLivE Lab. In: SECOND NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2014, Florida, Proceedings from the 2nd Annual TLE TeachLive Conference: Ludic Convergence. Florida, 2014, p. 35-38.
SANDER, Scott. Exploring the Impact of Virtual Classroom Technology on Learning to Teach. In: 1st NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVETM CONFERENCE, 2013, Florida. Proceedings from the 1st National TLE TeachLivE ™ Conference. Florida, 2013, p. 29-31.
SPENCER Sally; LASKY, Beth. Using TeachLivE Across the Developmental Continuum for New Teachers. In: 3rd NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2015, Florida Proceedings of 3rd National Conference TeachLivE: Dissecting Education, Florida, 2015, p. 27-33.
SPENCER, Sally, DRESCHER, Talya; SEARS, Jennifer; SCRUGGS, Angelica F.; SCHREFFLER, Jillian. Comparing the Efficacy of Virtual Simulation to Traditional Classroom Role-Play. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(7), p. 1772–1785, 2019.
TAYLOR, Matthew; LASKY, Beth. Microcredential: 4:1 Positive Praise Strategy. In: 3rd NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2015, Florida Proceedings of 3rd National Conference TeachLivE: Dissecting Education, Florida, 2015, p. 33–37.
WALKER, Joan M. T.; LEGG PACE, Angela M. Simulations as apprenticeship in teacher education: Designing parent-teacher conference simulations that involve delivering unwelcome news about a student’s academic performance. In: 5TH ANNUAL TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE: VIRTUAL HUMAN INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE, 2017, Florida, Proceedings of 5th Annual TeachLivE Conference: Virtual Human Interactive Performance. Florida, 2017, p. 01-16.
WALLACE, Luchara; WHITTEN, Elizabeth. Utilizing TeachLivE as a Component of a Multi-Tiered Approach to Preservice Teacher Preparation. In: 3rd NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVE CONFERENCE, 2015, Florida Proceedings of 3rd National Conference TeachLivE: Dissecting Education, Florida, 2015, p. 41-48.
WHITTEN, Elizabeth; APRIL, Enicks, WALLACE, Luchara, MORGAN, Daniel. Study of a Mixed Reality Virtual Environment used to Increase Teacher Effectiveness in a Pre-service Preparation Program. In: 1st NATIONAL TLE TEACHLIVETM CONFERENCE, 2013, Florida. Proceedings from the 1st National TLE TeachLivE ™ Conference. Florida, 2013, p. 38 - 43.
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