"Comparative Constitutional Law and Legal Culture: Asia and the Americas": an overview of the CRN01 under the Law and Society Washington, 2019 Meeting. - DOI 10.5935/2448-0517.20190053
Comment citer
Duarte, F., Iorio Filho, R. M., & da Silva, R. L. (2020). "Comparative Constitutional Law and Legal Culture: Asia and the Americas": an overview of the CRN01 under the Law and Society Washington, 2019 Meeting. - DOI 10.5935/2448-0517.20190053. Juris Poiesis - Qualis B1, 22(30), 343–441. Consulté à l’adresse https://mestradoedoutoradoestacio.periodicoscientificos.com.br/index.php/jurispoiesis/article/view/7794
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