
  • Jeremy Kidd Mercer University School of Law


Teorema de Coase, Custo Social, Ronald Coase



This essay attempts to explain Ronald Coase´s theory in a way that makes it accessible to a larger audience while retaining the "simple" and "self-evident" truths that Coase believed would revolutionize the way we think about the law and about economics. It is not clear that Coase"s theories will win the day, but by explaining them to a larger audience, it can now hopefully be a fair fight.

Keywords: Coase Theorem; social cost; Ronald Coase.



Este ensaio tenta explicar a teoria de Ronald Coase de uma forma acessí­vel a um público maior, mantendo as verdades "simples" e "auto evidentes" que iriam revolucionar a maneira como pensamos sobre a lei e sobre a economia, como Coase acreditava. Não está claro se as teorias de Coase irão prevalecer, mas explicando-as para um público maior, elas têm mais chances de ganhar adeptos.

Palavras-chave: Teorema de Coase; custo social; Ronald Coase.

Biografia do Autor

Jeremy Kidd, Mercer University School of Law

Jeremy Kidd graduated in 2007 with honors from George Mason University School of Law, where he was Executive Editor for the Journal of Law, Economics & Policy. He holds a BA in economics and political science and a Ph.D. in economics from Utah State University.

After law school, he practiced as a real estate associate with Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll in Washington, D.C. and later as a litigation associate with Strong & Hanni in Salt Lake City, Utah. He clerked for the Honorable Ted Stewart on the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah and the Honorable Alice Batchelder, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

Professor Kidd's primary teaching interests are in the areas of business associations, torts, contracts, and law and economics. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor at George Mason University School of Law and has taught courses in business law and economics at Utah State University and Weber State University.




Como Citar

Kidd, J. (2016). KINDERGARTEN COASE. Juris Poiesis - Qualis B1, 18(18), 160–169. Recuperado de


